In an industry built on relationships, hearing that something called “social distancing” was going to be the “new normal” was rather disheartening two years ago. Interior Design is an inherently intimate business. What is more intimate than being in someone’s home and stripping it bare? As an interior designer you must learn to understand your clients as people first. This is the key to creating environments that are not just beautiful, but also perfectly meet their needs.

So how do we get to know our clients, especially in an ongoing pandemic state? Here are three things I look at in order to create a home that the client will love, and to make sure we are a good fit!


    You can learn a lot about the client by seeing what their personal style is. Do they wear a lot of bright colors, or do they lean towards classic neutrals? Are they into vintage? They might appreciate antiques. Do they wear a lot of designer brands? They might want more flash. A casual dresser might want a home that feels more relaxed, while a more formal dresser may lean towards things more classical.


    Clients often send Pinterest boards and magazine inspiration. While they might have an idea of what they want, our job is to give them what they actually want. Pinterest boards are a great start, but what the client initially picks out might not necessarily blend with their home. Every building has its own structure and personality, and working with it rather than against it will yield results beyond their wildest dreams. You are introducing the client to a style that they love AND that compliments the home. It takes someone with expertise and years of experience to be able to do this.

  3. chemistry

    In order to work well with somebody, you have to like them. That goes both ways for the client and the interior designer! You’re going to be spending a lot of time together, so go with your gut. You’re entering into a relationship with that person. Are they decisive? How do they sit on a chair? Are they short or tall? What fabrics are they drawn towards? Where do they spend their time? Noticing all these little things is so important. In this business, it is all about customer service and delivering a result.

We want you to feel comfortable in your home. You deserve that.

Click here to schedule a free consultation! It’s our job to make your dreams come true.

Donna Livingston